Quarto Demo with SAS

Jupyter SAS kernel

proc candisc data=sashelp.iris out=outcan distance anova;
   class Species;
   var SepalLength SepalWidth PetalLength PetalWidth;
SAS Output

The SAS System

The CANDISC Procedure

Total Sample Size 150 DF Total 149
Variables 4 DF Within Classes 147
Classes 3 DF Between Classes 2
Number of Observations Read 150
Number of Observations Used 150
Class Level Information
Species Variable
Frequency Weight Proportion
Setosa Setosa 50 50.0000 0.333333
Versicolor Versicolor 50 50.0000 0.333333
Virginica Virginica 50 50.0000 0.333333

The SAS System

The CANDISC Procedure

Squared Distance to Species
From Species Setosa Versicolor Virginica
Setosa 0 89.86419 179.38471
Versicolor 89.86419 0 17.20107
Virginica 179.38471 17.20107 0
F Statistics, NDF=4, DDF=144 for Squared Distance to Species
From Species Setosa Versicolor Virginica
Setosa 0 550.18889 1098
Versicolor 550.18889 0 105.31265
Virginica 1098 105.31265 0
Prob > Mahalanobis Distance for Squared Distance to Species
From Species Setosa Versicolor Virginica
Setosa 1.0000 <.0001 <.0001
Versicolor <.0001 1.0000 <.0001
Virginica <.0001 <.0001 1.0000

The SAS System

The CANDISC Procedure

Univariate Test Statistics
F Statistics, Num DF=2, Den DF=147
Variable Label Total
R-Square R-Square
/ (1-RSq)
F Value Pr > F
SepalLength Sepal Length (mm) 8.2807 5.1479 7.9506 0.6187 1.6226 119.26 <.0001
SepalWidth Sepal Width (mm) 4.3587 3.3969 3.3682 0.4008 0.6688 49.16 <.0001
PetalLength Petal Length (mm) 17.6530 4.3033 20.9070 0.9414 16.0566 1180.16 <.0001
PetalWidth Petal Width (mm) 7.6224 2.0465 8.9673 0.9289 13.0613 960.01 <.0001
Average R-Square
Unweighted 0.7224358
Weighted by Variance 0.8689444
Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations
S=2 M=0.5 N=71
Statistic Value F Value Num DF Den DF Pr > F
NOTE: F Statistic for Roy's Greatest Root is an upper bound.
NOTE: F Statistic for Wilks' Lambda is exact.
Wilks' Lambda 0.02343863 199.15 8 288 <.0001
Pillai's Trace 1.19189883 53.47 8 290 <.0001
Hotelling-Lawley Trace 32.47732024 582.20 8 203.4 <.0001
Roy's Greatest Root 32.19192920 1166.96 4 145 <.0001

The SAS System

The CANDISC Procedure

Eigenvalues of Inv(E)*H
= CanRsq/(1-CanRsq)
Test of H0: The canonical correlations in the current row and all that follow are zero
  Eigenvalue Difference Proportion Cumulative Likelihood
F Value
Num DF Den DF Pr > F
1 0.984821 0.984508 0.002468 0.969872 32.1919 31.9065 0.9912 0.9912 0.02343863 199.15 8 288 <.0001
2 0.471197 0.461445 0.063734 0.222027 0.2854   0.0088 1.0000 0.77797337 13.79 3 145 <.0001

The SAS System

The CANDISC Procedure

Total Canonical Structure
Variable Label Can1 Can2
SepalLength Sepal Length (mm) 0.791888 0.217593
SepalWidth Sepal Width (mm) -0.530759 0.757989
PetalLength Petal Length (mm) 0.984951 0.046037
PetalWidth Petal Width (mm) 0.972812 0.222902
Between Canonical Structure
Variable Label Can1 Can2
SepalLength Sepal Length (mm) 0.991468 0.130348
SepalWidth Sepal Width (mm) -0.825658 0.564171
PetalLength Petal Length (mm) 0.999750 0.022358
PetalWidth Petal Width (mm) 0.994044 0.108977
Pooled Within Canonical Structure
Variable Label Can1 Can2
SepalLength Sepal Length (mm) 0.222596 0.310812
SepalWidth Sepal Width (mm) -0.119012 0.863681
PetalLength Petal Length (mm) 0.706065 0.167701
PetalWidth Petal Width (mm) 0.633178 0.737242

The SAS System

The CANDISC Procedure

Total-Sample Standardized Canonical Coefficients
Variable Label Can1 Can2
SepalLength Sepal Length (mm) -0.686779533 0.019958173
SepalWidth Sepal Width (mm) -0.668825075 0.943441829
PetalLength Petal Length (mm) 3.885795047 -1.645118866
PetalWidth Petal Width (mm) 2.142238715 2.164135931
Pooled Within-Class Standardized Canonical Coefficients
Variable Label Can1 Can2
SepalLength Sepal Length (mm) -.4269548486 0.0124075316
SepalWidth Sepal Width (mm) -.5212416758 0.7352613085
PetalLength Petal Length (mm) 0.9472572487 -.4010378190
PetalWidth Petal Width (mm) 0.5751607719 0.5810398645
Raw Canonical Coefficients
Variable Label Can1 Can2
SepalLength Sepal Length (mm) -.0829377642 0.0024102149
SepalWidth Sepal Width (mm) -.1534473068 0.2164521235
PetalLength Petal Length (mm) 0.2201211656 -.0931921210
PetalWidth Petal Width (mm) 0.2810460309 0.2839187853
Class Means on Canonical Variables
Species Can1 Can2
Setosa -7.607599927 0.215133017
Versicolor 1.825049490 -0.727899622
Virginica 5.782550437 0.512766605