Shiny Background Process

R is a very powerful language but was designed to run single-threaded. There are libraries that will run parallel code but there is no inherent support to run a background process and monitor for completion in the same way that you can in, for example, C++.

One way to overcome this is to launch a second instance of R and run the process in the background. If the background process generates a log file it can be monitored within Shiny using the reactivePoll or reactiveFileInput functions. Once completed subsequent action can be taken. The advantage of this method is that the second process is run under a second instance of R and does not interfere with the user interface of the Shiny app.

By way of example, there are two apps below. The first attempts to run the process within an observer which ties up the UI – the UI will only respond to changes once the calculation is completed. The second launches a second instance and the UI is not affected – the UI is fully responsive during the calculation.

Running as a Single Process

The gist for the code can be found at

  1## Data creation
  3## Create a large Excel spreadsheet within a Shiny app
  9## Create a dummy matrix
 11server <- function(input, output, session) {
 13  mydata <- reactiveValues(wb = NULL)
 14  status <- reactiveValues(text = 'Waiting')
 16  ## Disable download button
 17  observe({
 18    session$sendCustomMessage('disableButton', 'butDownload')
 19  })
 21  ## Generate Excel output
 22  observeEvent(input$butCreate, {
 23    session$sendCustomMessage('disableButton', 'butDownload')
 24    session$sendCustomMessage('disableButton', 'butCreate')
 26    ## Included for comparison - the status text will not update until after the spreadsheet is built
 27    status$text <- 'Building'
 29    m <- matrix(rexp(input$numRows * input$numCols, rate = 0.1), ncol = input$numCols)
 31    wb <- createWorkbook()
 32    addWorksheet(wb, 'sheet1')
 33    writeData(wb, 'sheet1', m)
 34    mydata$wb <<- wb
 35    session$sendCustomMessage('enableButton', 'butDownload')
 36    session$sendCustomMessage('enableButton', 'butCreate')
 37    status$text <- 'Completed'
 38  })
 40  output$butDownload <- downloadHandler(
 41    filename = function() {
 42      'output.xlsx'
 43    },
 44    content = function(file) {
 45      showNotification('Writing Excel File')
 46      saveWorkbook(mydata$wb, file, overwrite = TRUE)
 47    }
 48  )
 50  output$uiStatus <- renderUI(
 51    h4(paste0('STATUS: ', status$text), style="color:red;")
 52  )
 54  output$plt <- renderPlot({
 55    hist(faithful$eruptions, probability = TRUE, breaks = as.numeric(input$n_breaks),
 56         xlab = 'Duration (minutes)', main = 'Geyser eruption duration')
 57    dens <- density(faithful$eruptions, adjust = input$bw_adjust)
 58    lines(dens, col = 'blue')
 59  })
 62ui <- fluidPage(
 63  singleton(tags$head(HTML('
 64    <script type="text/javascript">
 65    $(document).ready(function() {
 66      // Enable button
 67      Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("enableButton", function(id) {
 68        $("#" + id).removeAttr("disabled");
 69      });
 70      // Disable button
 71      Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("disableButton", function(id) {
 72        $("#" + id).attr("disabled", "true");
 73      });
 74      })
 75    </script>
 76    ')
 77  )),
 78  fluidRow(
 79    column(4,
 80           wellPanel(
 81             fluidRow(
 82               column(6, numericInput('numRows', 'Number of Rows', value = 100000, min = 1000, step = 1000)),
 83               column(6, numericInput('numCols', 'Number of Columns', value = 50, min = 10, step = 10))
 84             )
 85           ),
 86           fluidRow(
 87             column(11, offset = 1,
 88                    actionButton('butCreate', 'Create Data', class = 'btn action-button btn-success'),
 89                    downloadButton('butDownload', 'Download Data', class = 'btn btn-warning'),
 90                    br(),
 91                    uiOutput('uiStatus')
 92             )
 93           )
 94    ),
 95    column(8,
 96           wellPanel(
 97             fluidRow(
 98               column(4, selectInput('n_breaks', label = 'Number of bins:', choices = c(10, 20, 35, 50), selected = 20)),
 99               column(4, sliderInput('bw_adjust', label = 'Bandwidth adjustment:', min = 0.2, max = 2, value = 1, step = 0.2))
100             )
101           ),
102           plotOutput('plt')
103           )
104    )
105  )
107shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Running as an Asynchronous Process

The gist for the code can be found at

  1## Data creation
  3## Create a large Excel spreadsheet as a asynchronous process
  8## Temporary files to store log, script, rds data and excel output
  9logfile <- tempfile()
 10scriptfile <- tempfile()
 11datafile <- tempfile()
 12excelfile <- tempfile()
 14server <- function(input, output, session) {
 16  status <- reactiveValues(text = 'Waiting')
 18  ## Disable download button
 19  observe({
 20    session$sendCustomMessage('disableButton', 'butDownload')
 21  })
 23  # reactivePoll - look for changes in log file every second
 24  logData <- reactivePoll(1000, session,
 25                          checkFunc = function() {
 26                            if (file.exists(logfile))
 27                    $mtime[1]
 28                            else
 29                              ''
 30                            },
 31                          valueFunc = function() {
 32                            if (file.exists(logfile))
 33                              readLines(logfile)
 34                            else
 35                              ''
 36                            }
 37  )
 39  ## React to an update in the logfile
 40  observe({
 41    if (grepl('COMPLETED', logData())) {
 42      session$sendCustomMessage('enableButton', 'butDownload')
 43      session$sendCustomMessage('enableButton', 'butCreate')
 44      status$text <- 'Completed'
 45    } 
 46  })
 48  ## Generate Excel output
 49  ## Once button is pressed create an R Script and run as a second process
 50  ## to avoid tying up Shiny
 51  observeEvent(input$butCreate, {
 52    session$sendCustomMessage('disableButton', 'butDownload')
 53    session$sendCustomMessage('disableButton', 'butCreate')
 54    status$text <- 'Building'
 56    m <- matrix(rexp(input$numRows * input$numCols, rate = 0.1), ncol = input$numCols)
 58    ## Write data to an rds file
 59    saveRDS(m, file = datafile)
 61    ## Create script file
 62    vfile <- c('library(openxlsx)',
 63               paste0('m <- readRDS(\"', datafile, '\")'),
 64               'wb <- createWorkbook()',
 65               'addWorksheet(wb, \"sheet1\")',
 66               'writeData(wb, \"sheet1\", m)',
 67               paste0('saveWorkbook(wb, \"', excelfile, '\", overwrite = TRUE)'),
 68               paste0('fileConn <- file(\"', logfile, '\")'),
 69               'writeLines(\"COMPLETED\", fileConn)',
 70               'close(fileConn)'
 71               )
 73    ## Save script file
 74    fileConn <- file(scriptfile)
 75    writeLines(vfile, fileConn)
 76    close(fileConn)
 78    ## Execute script file
 79    system(paste0(Sys.getenv('R_HOME'), '/bin/Rscript ', scriptfile), wait = FALSE)
 80  })
 82  output$butDownload <- downloadHandler(
 83    filename <- function() {
 84      'excel-out.xlsx'
 85    },
 86    content <- function(file) {
 87      file.copy(excelfile, file)
 88    }
 89  )
 91  output$uiStatus <- renderUI(
 92    h4(paste0('STATUS: ', status$text), style="color:red;")
 93  )
 95  output$plt <- renderPlot({
 96    hist(faithful$eruptions, probability = TRUE, breaks = as.numeric(input$n_breaks),
 97         xlab = 'Duration (minutes)', main = 'Geyser eruption duration')
 98    dens <- density(faithful$eruptions, adjust = input$bw_adjust)
 99    lines(dens, col = 'blue')
100  })
103ui <- fluidPage(
104  singleton(tags$head(HTML('
105    <script type="text/javascript">
106    $(document).ready(function() {
107      // Enable button
108        Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("enableButton", function(id) {
109      $("#" + id).removeAttr("disabled");
110      });
111      // Disable button
112        Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("disableButton", function(id) {
113      $("#" + id).attr("disabled", "true");
114      });
115    })
116    </script>
117    ')
118  )),
119  fluidRow(
120    column(4,
121           wellPanel(
122             fluidRow(
123               column(6, numericInput('numRows', 'Number of Rows', value = 100000, min = 1000, step = 1000)),
124               column(6, numericInput('numCols', 'Number of Columns', value = 50, min = 10, step = 10))
125             )
126           ),
127           fluidRow(
128             column(11, offset = 1,
129               actionButton('butCreate', 'Create Data', class = 'btn action-button btn-success'),
130               downloadButton('butDownload', 'Download Data', class = 'btn btn-warning'),
131               br(),
132               uiOutput('uiStatus')
133             )
134           )
135    ),
136    column(8,
137           wellPanel(
138             fluidRow(
139               column(4, selectInput('n_breaks', label = 'Number of bins:', choices = c(10, 20, 35, 50), selected = 20)),
140               column(4, sliderInput('bw_adjust', label = 'Bandwidth adjustment:', min = 0.2, max = 2, value = 1, step = 0.2))
141             )
142           ),
143           plotOutput('plt')
144           )
145    )
146  )
148shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)