Resizable bslib Cards

This is a simple example of resizing {bslib} cards for a dashboard. A card can be made resizable (vertical, horizontal or both) by using the resize property. In order to use this in a {bslib} dashboard it can be added using tags$style or included in bs_theme(). Adding the resize-vertical class adds a resize anchor to the botton right of a card.

 3ui <- page_fillable(
 4  tags$head(
 5    tags$style("
 6      .resize-vertical {
 7        resize: vertical;
 8      }
 9    ")
10  ),
11  layout_sidebar(
12    sidebar = sidebar(
13      width = 250,
14      h3("controls")
15    ),
16    card(
17      card_title("Card 1"),
18      height = "60%",
19      fill = FALSE,
20      class = 'resize-vertical',
21      card_body(
22        plotOutput('plt')
23      )
24    ),
25    layout_column_wrap(
26      card(
27        card_title("Card 2"),
28        card_body(
29        )
30      ),
31      card(
32        card_title("Card 3"),
33        card_body()
34      )
35    )
36  )
39server <- function(input, output, session) {
40  output$plt <- renderPlot({
41    plot(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$hp)
42  })
43  output$data <- renderDataTable(mtcars)
46shinyApp(ui, server)