In The Cloud

I’m now totally cloud-based



February 21, 2017

About 2 years ago my beloved Asus G60VX died. I loved that laptop. We’d been through a lot together and enjoyed five wonderful years. After a brief mourn I had a long think about the future and decided to move to a Chromebook. Precisely an Acer C270. I’ve moved from 15”x10” (16” screen), 7.3lbs to 11”x8” (11.6” screen), 2.8lbs. The Asus would run for an hour on its 6-cell battery whereas the Chromebook can hold a charge for 8 hours. For storage I mostly use Google drive and for programming I use Codeanywhere and Digital Ocean droplets (along with firessh, caret and pixlr). Total cost is minimal. Everything I run or test is hosted remotely and internet is freely available almost everywhere - the few times I’ve been unable to connect, my cellphone has proved to be an adequate hotspot.
If anything ever happens to my chromebook I could transition to another machine and continue where I left off as if nothing happened. I’m totally cloud-based and loving it!