#' Send an email with attachments
#' Sends an email to a recipient using vbs scripting.
#' `body` contains the body of the email and `files` contains a list of files
#' to attach.
#' @param to Recipient email address
#' @param subject Subject line
#' @param body Body text
#' @param files List of files to attach
#' @export
<- function(to = NULL, subject = "", body = "", files = list()) {
if (is.null(to)) return(NULL)
if (length(files) > 0) {
<- unlist(sapply(files, function(f) {
v.files paste0('myAttachments.Add "', normalizePath(f), '", olByValue')
}))else {
} <- ''
## build a vbs script to send an email to user
<- c(
v.outlook_commands 'Dim olApp',
'Dim objMailItem',
'Dim myAttachments',
'Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")',
'Set objMailItem = olApp.CreateItem(0)',
'Set myAttachments = objMailItem.Attachments',
paste0('objMailItem.Subject = "', subject, '"'),
paste0('objMailItem.To = "', to, '"'),
paste0('objMailItem.Body = "', body, '"'),
'Set olApp = Nothing',
'Set objMailItem = Nothing'
## write script to temporary location
<- tempfile(fileext = '.vbs')
script_file sink(script_file, append = FALSE)
cat(v.outlook_commands, sep='\n')
## execute script
<- paste0('WScript ', normalizePath(script_file))
system_script system(system_script)
Programatically sending an email under Linux is relatively simple. There are several command line clients such as sendmail
and mail
which are very easy to use. There are also several R packages to help send emails such as {mailr} and {blastula}.
Generally you need access to an SMTP to send messages programatically and this may not be possible in a work setting.
Here’s a simple R function to send an email under Windows. It uses vbs scripting to send an email via the Outlook client itself, without needing server parameters.