Adding and Retrieving metadata in RMarkdown Documents

Include abitrary metadata in RMarkdown documents



May 31, 2022

Metadata can be included in the yaml header of an RMarkdown document. The yaml can store metadata in the params parameter or as individual yaml parameters. For example, the RMarkdown file below adds some metadata parameters to the header: short_title, reference and meta_list. The rmarkdown function rmarkdown::metadata can be used to access the yaml parameters.

title: "document title"
author: "author name"
short_title: "short"
reference: 1
output: "html_document"
    name: "my name"
    meta: "meta 1"

test doc

`r rmarkdown::metadata$short_title`

`r params$name`

`r rmarkdown::metadata$meta_list$meta`

In addition, the parameters can be accessed using the rmarkdown::yaml_front_matter() function.

[1] "document title"

[1] "author name"

[1] "short"

[1] 1

[1] "html_document"

[1] "my name"

[1] "meta 1"

Searching metadata

Once metadata are added to a series of documents, the metadata become searchable using the yaml_front_matter function. By way of example, the functions below build and then search 1000 documents containing dummy data. The time taken to search through 1000 documents on a 4-core laptop was 920 ms.

## create Rmd with yaml
create_rmd <- function(ref, name, folder) {

  x <- glue::glue("
title: {name}
author: Harvey
short_title: {stringi::stri_rand_strings(1, 20)}
reference: {ref}
output: html_document
    name: {name}
    meta: {ref}
    text: {stringi::stri_rand_strings(1, 20)}

### {name}

reference: `r rmarkdown::metadata$reference`

{paste0(stringi::stri_rand_lipsum(5), collapse = '\n\n')}


  ## write Rmd file
  con <- file(file.path("./docs", paste0("file_", name, ".Rmd")))
  writeLines(x, con)

## build a random set of documents
build_docs <- function(n=10, folder) {
  for (i in seq(n)) {
    create_rmd(ref=i, name=paste("Document", i), folder=folder)

## search documents and return matches
search_docs <- function(parameter, search_string, folder) {
  files <- list.files(folder, pattern = "*.Rmd", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
  found <- c()
  for (f in files) {
    front_matter <- rmarkdown::yaml_front_matter(f)
    if (grepl(search_string, front_matter[[parameter]])) found <- append(found, f)

## create files
build_docs(n=1000, folder="./docs")

## search files
  match_docs <- search_docs(parameter = "short_title",
                            search_string = "ae",
                            folder = "./docs/"),
  times = 5)

When run, the search identified 5 documents that matched.