::install_github("posit-dev/r-shinylive") remotes
Serverless Shiny
Inspired by Max Kuhn’s presentation at R/Pharma today I tried out embedding shiny a app within a Quarto website and hosting it on GitHub pages. The app itself is a chemistry quiz built to help my son who had a school test coming up. By running it within a Quarto website it’s available for him to use on the bus on the way to school for some quick revision.
Thanks so the app he scored 27/30!
To use shinylive in a Quarto document, you need to first install the shinylive Quarto extension:
quarto add quarto-ext/shinylive
along with the shinylive R package
_quarto.yml file
The _quarto.yml file is a project with some basic parameters to define the website. The only additional parameter of note is to include shinylive
as a filter.
type: website
output-dir: docs
title: "shinylive elements quiz"
- index.qmd
- shinylive
The shiny app is in a single chunk of the index.qmd file with a code chunk type of shinylive-r
and the standalone
option set.
: "Chem symbol test"
'll be tested on chemical elements and their names.
This is a simple chemical symbol test. You
#| include: false
#| viewerHeight: 300
#| standalone: true
chem <- data.frame(
symbol = c("Al", "Sb", "Ar", "As", "Ba", "Be", "Bi",
"B", "Br", "Cd", "Ca", "C", "Cs", "Cl", "Cr",
"Co", "Cu", "F", "Au", "He", "H", "I", "Fe",
"Kr", "Pb", "Li", "Mg", "Mn", "Hg", "Ne", "Ni",
"N", "O", "P", "Pt", "K", "Rn", "Se", "Si", "Ag",
"Na", "Sr", "S", "Te", "Sn", "Ti", "W",
"U", "V", "Xe", "Zn", "Zr"),
name = c("aluminum", "antimony", "argon", "arsenic", "barium", "beryllium", "bismuth",
"boron", "bromine","cadmium", "calcium", "carbon", "cesium", "chlorine", "chromium",
"cobalt", "copper", "fluorine", "gold", "helium", "hydrogen", "iodine", "iron",
"krypton", "lead", "lithium", "magnesium", "mangenese", "mercury", "neon", "nickel",
"nitrogen", "oxygen", "phosphorus", "platinum", "potassium", "radon", "selenium", "silicon", "silver",
"sodium", "strontium", "sulfur", "tellurium", "tin", "titanium", "tungsten",
"uranium", "vanadium", "xenon", "zinc", "zirconium")
ui <- fluidPage(
column(5, offset = 1, checkboxGroupInput("chk_options", "Test me on", choices = names(chem), selected = "symbol", inline = TRUE))
column(5, offset = 1, uiOutput("ui_question")),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
last_num <- 0
rv <- reactiveValues(
question_count = 0,
score = 0,
question_type = NULL,
question = NULL,
answer = NULL,
streak = 0
question_index <- reactive({
num <- last_num
while (num == last_num) {
num <- sample(nrow(chem), size = 1)
last_num <- num
output$ui_question <- renderUI({
if (length(input$chk_options) > 0) {
rv$question_type <- sample(input$chk_options, size = 1)
answer_type <- names(chem)[!names(chem) == rv$question_type]
rv$question <- chem[[rv$question_type]][question_index()]
rv$answer <- chem[[answer_type]][question_index()]
h3(paste(answer_type, "for:", rv$question)),
textInput("txt_answer", label = NULL),
actionButton("but_answer", "Submit")
observeEvent(input$but_answer, {
if (rv$question_type == "symbol") {
answer <- tolower(input$txt_answer)
} else {
answer <- input$txt_answer
if (answer == rv$answer) {
rv$score <- rv$score + 1
rv$streak <- rv$streak + 1
showNotification(ui = "CORRECT!", type = "message")
} else {
rv$streak <- 0
showNotification(ui = paste0("WRONG. Correct answer is ", rv$answer), type = "error")
rv$question_count <- rv$question_count + 1
output$ui_score <- renderUI({
h3(paste0("Score: ", rv$score, "/", rv$question_count), style = "color: #388E3C")
output$ui_streak <- renderUI({
if (rv$streak > 29) {
col <- "#2E7D32"
} else if (rv$streak > 19) {
col <- "#00838F"
} else if (rv$streak > 9) {
col <- "#1E88E5"
} else if (rv$streak > 0) {
col <- "#8E24AA"
} else {
col <- "#E53935"
h3(paste0("Streak: ", rv$streak), style = paste0("color: ", col))
app <- shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
The app itself contains the typical ui and server along with the shinyapp()
function to execute. It is basic and unoptimized (but it demonstrates the purpose). It takes very little effort to change a standalone app to an embedded one.
The quarto website with embedded app is available at https://harveyl888.github.io/shinylive-test/.