Adding to a sortable bucketlist

Dynamically updating a sortable bucketlist upon adding a new element



November 10, 2023

The {sortable} package

{sortable} is an incredibly useful R package built upon the sortbale.js javascript library, allowing drag-and-drop features to be incorporated into shiny apps. The package works with two types of sortable lists:

  • rank list: items can be sorted within a list
  • bucket list: a single object containing multiple rank lists, allowing for drag-and-drop between lists.

The second option (bucket list) is useful when a user wishes to divide a set of values between two or more buckets. {sortable} integrates well within shiny but requires a few tweaks if data are added to the sortable object once it has been created.


{sortable} includes a function, update_bucket_list() which is used to update header text but not list items.

Case One. Dragging Existing Values Between Lists

Here’s a simple scenario. Suppose you have a list of objects in list 1 and you wish to subset to list 2, returning the values in list 2. Using {sortable} you could define a bucket list containing two rank lists (list 1 and list 2), populate list 1 and drag-and-drop values to list 2. In a shiny app this could be coded as follows:


ui <- fluidPage(

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$ui_sort <- renderUI({
    ## create styled list 1
    list_1_tags <- lapply(LETTERS[1:5], function(x) {
      tags$span(id = paste0('lab_', x), x, class = "label label-primary", `data-rank-id` = x)
    ## create styled list 2
    list_2_tags <- lapply(LETTERS[6:8], function(x) {
      tags$span(id = paste0('lab_', x), x, class = "label label-primary", `data-rank-id` = x)
    ## sortbale bucket list
      header = "Move values from list 1 to list 2",
      group_name = "reorder_list",
        input_id = "reorder_list_1",
        text = "list 1",
        labels = list_1_tags
        input_id = "reorder_list_2",
        text = "list 2",
        labels = list_2_tags
  output$txt_output <- renderPrint({

shinyApp(ui, server)

In this example, every time list 1 or list 2 changes, input$reorder_list updates with the ordered values for each list.

Case Two. Adding a New Value to an Existing List

Updating the code above with an actionButton linked to insertUI allows us to add a new option to list 2 when the button is pressed. This approach works but you’ll see that it does not update input$reorder_list until the list is updated (by moving an item).


ui <- fluidPage(
  actionButton("but_add", "Add"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$ui_sort <- renderUI({
    ## create styled list 1
    list_1_tags <- lapply(LETTERS[1:5], function(x) {
      tags$span(id = paste0('lab_', x), x, class = "label label-primary", `data-rank-id` = x)
    ## create styled list 2
    list_2_tags <- lapply(LETTERS[6:8], function(x) {
      tags$span(id = paste0('lab_', x), x, class = "label label-primary", `data-rank-id` = x)
    ## sortbale bucket list
      header = "Move values from list 1 to list 2",
      group_name = "reorder_list",
        input_id = "reorder_list_1",
        text = "list 1",
        labels = list_1_tags
        input_id = "reorder_list_2",
        css_id = "css_reorder_list_2",
        text = "list 2",
        labels = list_2_tags
  observeEvent(input$but_add, {
    ## insert a new value into list 2
    val <- "ZZ"
    new_tag <- tags$div(class = "rank-list-item", draggable = FALSE,
                        tags$span(id = paste0('lab_', val), val, class = "label label-primary", `data-rank-id` = val)
    insertUI(selector = "#css_reorder_list_2", where = "beforeEnd", ui = new_tag, immediate = TRUE)
  output$txt_output <- renderPrint({

shinyApp(ui, server)

In order to make this approach work we can manage the ordered list, list 2 through a shiny input, input$sort_list_2. This shiny variable is kept up to date through two methods:

  • sortable::sortable_options() updates input$sort_list_2 when list 2 is first initialized, a new item is dragged from list 1 or the order is changed.
  • When the new item is added, a javascript function is executed, updating input\(sort_list_2* with the newly ordered list. The javascript function works but identifying the identifer of the list and looping through its members, populating *input\)sort_list_2.

ui <- fluidPage(
    tags$head(tags$script(src = "script.js")),
    actionButton("but_add", "Add"),

l1 <- LETTERS[1:5]
l2 <- LETTERS[6:8]

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$ui_sort <- renderUI({
    list_1_tags <- lapply(l1, function(x) {
      tags$span(id = paste0('lab_', x), x, class = "label label-primary", `data-rank-id` = x)
    list_2_tags <- lapply(l2, function(x) {
      tags$span(id = paste0('lab_', x), x, class = "label label-primary", `data-rank-id` = x)
      header = "Reorder values in 'ordered values' column",
      group_name = "reorder_list",
        input_id = "reorder_list_1",
        text = "list 1",
        labels = list_1_tags
        input_id = "reorder_list_2",
        css_id = "css_reorder_list_2",
        text = "list 2",
        labels = list_2_tags,
        options = sortable_options(
          onSort = sortable_js_capture_input("sort_list_2"),
          onLoad = sortable_js_capture_input("sort_list_2"))
  observeEvent(input$but_add, {
    print("adding ZZ")
    val <- "ZZ"
    new_tag <- tags$div(class = "rank-list-item", draggable = FALSE,
                        tags$span(id = paste0('lab_', val), val, class = "label label-primary", `data-rank-id` = val)
    insertUI(selector = "#css_reorder_list_2", where = "beforeEnd", ui = new_tag, immediate = TRUE)
    session$sendCustomMessage('update_sortable', list(id = "css_reorder_list_2", shinyinput = "sort_list_2"))
  output$txt_output <- renderPrint({

shinyApp(ui, server)
Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('update_sortable', function(x) {
  if (typeof Shiny !== 'undefined') {
    el = document.getElementById(;
    shinyinputname = x.shinyinput + ':sortablejs.rank_list'
    Shiny.setInputValue(shinyinputname, $.map(el.children, function(child) {
      return $(child).attr('data-rank-id') || $.trim(child.innerText);


The code above demonstrates a suitable approach to add items to a sortable bucket list in a shiny app. The concept can be extended to work with multiple lists, returning the content of each.