gt Extensions

Adding Additional Functionality to the gt Package



January 13, 2025


The {gt} package is a great R package for building tables and the outputs that can be generated, particularly in HTML, are stunning. The {gtExtras} pacakge, from Tom Mock, extends the functionality of {gt}. In developing a Quarto report, I found that I needed some tabular outputs that were not present in {gt}. Taking inspiration from {gtExtras}, here’s some code and explanation, on adding additional functions to {gt}.


Here’s a quick illustration of the extensions discussed in the blog post.

## table of dates
df_dates <- tibble::tibble(
  name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Carol", "Carol", "Dan", "Alice", "Bob", "Carol", "Carol", "Dan", "Alice"),
  var = c(rep(c("start", "end"), each = 5), "empty"),
  date = c("2024-10-05", "2024-10-13", "2024-09-10", "2024-11-11", "2024-10-01", "2025-01-03", "2024-12-20", "2025-01-04", "2024-12-20", "2025-01-10", "2024-12-05")
) |>
  tidyr::nest(dates = c(var, date))

## table of employee details (inc. dates)
df <- tibble::tibble(
  name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Carol", "Dan"),
  level = c("Director", "VP", "Director", "Assoc Director"),
  division = c("HR", "sales", "sales", "HR"),
    notes = c("n/a", "n/a", "n/a", "Dan has been with us for 5 years"),
  projects = c("project 1;project 2;project 3", "project 2", "project 1;project 3", "project 2;project 3;project 4"),
  division_badge = c("HR", "sales", "sales", "HR"),
  alert = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
) |>
  dplyr::left_join(df_dates, by = "name")

## create gt table
df |>
  gt::gt() |> 
  gt_subtitle(col_title = name, col_subtitle = level, col_parenthesis = division, col_tootlip = notes) |>
  gt_dots(projects, items = c("project 1", "project 2", "project 3", "project 4"), sep = ";", tooltip = TRUE) |>
  gt_alert(alert) |>
  gt_badge(division_badge, palette = c(HR = "#2244CC", sales = "#22CC44")) |>
  gt_timeline(dates, min_date = "2024-09-01", max_date = "2025-01-13", palette = c(start = "#00AA00", end = "#AA0000"))


The gt_index() function is a useful function lifted from the {gtExtras} package. It returns the underlying data of a column and is used extensively in gtExtras functions. Rather than rely on a dependence to {gtExtras} I’ve extracted the function, included here as .gtindex().

#' gtindex taken from gtExtras package
.gtindex <- function(gt_object, column, as_vector = TRUE) {
  stopifnot("'gt_object' must be a 'gt_tbl', have you accidentally passed raw data?" = "gt_tbl" %in% class(gt_object))
  stopifnot("'as_vector' must be a TRUE or FALSE" = is.logical(as_vector))

  if (length(gt_object[["_row_groups"]]) >= 1) {
    # if the data is grouped you need to identify the group column
    # and arrange by that column. I convert to a factor so that the
    # columns don't default to arrange by other defaults
    #  (ie alphabetical or numerical)
    gt_row_grps <- gt_object[["_row_groups"]]

    grp_vec_ord <- gt_object[["_stub_df"]] |>
      dplyr::mutate(group_id = factor(group_id, levels = gt_row_grps)) |>
      dplyr::arrange(group_id) |>

    df_ordered <- gt_object[["_data"]] |>
  } else {
    # if the data is not grouped, then it will just "work"
    df_ordered <- gt_object[["_data"]]

  # return as vector or tibble in correct, gt-indexed ordered
  if (isTRUE(as_vector)) {
    df_ordered |>
      dplyr::pull({{ column }})
  } else {


this first function simply replaces a column with colored badges. {gtExtras} includes a gt_badge() function itself but

  • For some reason it’s missing from the pkgdown site so I did not know it existed.
  • I required additional functionality - for example, the ability to work with missing data.
  • It was a good first example to sink my teeth into.

The function is shown below followed by some explanatory text.

#' Add a badge based on values
#' This function differs from gtExtras::gt_badge() in that it accounts for values
#'     missing in the color palette and missing in the data.  Those missing in the
#'     color palette are displayed as a white badge with grey border and those missing
#'     in the data are represented as an empty white badge.
#' @param gt_object An existing gt object
#' @param column The column to convert to dots
#' @param palette Named vector of values and colors. 
#' @export
gt_badge <- function(gt_object, column, palette = c()) {
  stopifnot("Table must be of class 'gt_tbl'" = "gt_tbl" %in% class(gt_object))

  cell_contents <- .gtindex(gt_object, {{ column }})

    locations = gt::cells_body(columns = {{ column }}),
    fn = function(x) {
      purrr::map(cell_contents, function(y) {
        if ( {
          '<span class = "gtbadge gtbadge-empty">none</span>'
        } else if (y %in% names(palette)) {
          glue::glue('<span class = "gtbadge" style = "background-color: {palette[y]};">{y}</span>')
        } else {
          glue::glue('<span class = "gtbadge gtbadge-clear">{y}</span>')
  ) |>
      css = "
        .gtbadge {
          display: inline-block;
          color: #ffffff;
          min-width: 30px;
          padding: 2px 4px;
          text-align: center;
          border-radius: 7px;
          font-size: .8em;
        .gtbadge-empty {
          background-color: #ffffff;
          border: 1px solid #dddddd;
        .gtbadge-clear {
          background-color: #ffffff;
          color: #999999;
          border: 1px solid #dddddd;

First we capture the contents of column by using the .gtindex() function:
cell_contents <- .gtindex(gt_object, {{ column }}) - return the contents of column column as a vector (this function is taken from {gtExtras}).

Next, gt::text_transform() is used to replace the data in column with new values returned by a function. gt::text_transform() is a powerful function that takes three arguments: a gt table, locations for transformation (in this case a column identifier) and a function that returns a character vector the same length as the column entries. Here, our function iterates over cell_contents, the vector of data in column and returns a badge. Badges are colored according to a palette passed to gt_badge(), accounting for values missing in the palette as well as empty values.

Finally, the output from gt::text_transform() is formatted by declaring the column as markdown and adding css classes.

Example Output

df <- data.frame(ref = seq(1:5), data = c("badge_1", "badge_2", "badge_1", NA, "badge_3"))
df |> gt::gt() |> gt_badge(data, palette = c(badge_1 = "#990000", badge_2 = "#009900"))
ref data
1 badge_1
2 badge_2
3 badge_1
4 none
5 badge_3


This is another simple example. Here an icon is returned in a column based on TRUE/FALSE values.

#' Replace a logical column with an alert indicator
#' Replace TRUE values with an empty circle and any other values with a red exclamation
#'     mark in a circle.  Setting `invert`=TRUE reverses this behavior.
#' @param gt_object An existing gt object
#' @param column The column to convert to dots
#' @param invert If TRUE then invert the response so that TRUE = alert.  Default is FALSE
#' @export
gt_alert <- function(gt_object, column, invert = FALSE) {
  stopifnot("Table must be of class 'gt_tbl'" = "gt_tbl" %in% class(gt_object))

  cell_contents <- .gtindex(gt_object, {{ column }})

    locations = gt::cells_body(columns = {{ column }}),
    fn = function(x) {
      purrr::map(cell_contents, function(y) {
        true_val <- isTRUE(y)
        if (invert == TRUE) {
          true_val <- !true_val
        if (true_val) {
          fontawesome::fa("circle", fill = "#cccccc")
        } else {
          fontawesome::fa("circle-exclamation", fill = "#990000")
  ) |>
    gt::fmt_markdown(columns = {{ column }})

Example Output

df <- data.frame(ref = seq(1:5), data = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA, TRUE, FALSE))
df |> gt::gt() |> gt_alert(data, invert = TRUE)
ref data


This function displays a vector of values as colored dots. It’s useful for groups containing multiple categorical values. Column data may be input through a list column, eg list(c(“A”, “B”, “C”)) or character-separated, eg “A,B,C”. gt_dots() also introduces the use of tooltips. Code explanation and an example follow below.

#' Replace a column with a series of colored dot rows
#' @param gt_object An existing gt object
#' @param column The column to convert to dots
#' @param items Vector of values for dots.  This represents all of the possible dots in
#'     order
#' @param sep Optional separation character.  If NULL (default) then it is assumed that
#'     column `column` is a list column containing vectors where the member of each vector
#'     can be a value in `items`.  For example, if `items` is c("A", "B", "C") then `column`
#'     could contain data such as "A" or c("A", "B").  If a `sep` is a character then column
#'     `column` should be a character vector with values separated by `sep`.  For example, if
#'     `items` is c("A", "B", "C") and `sep` is ";" then `column` could contain data such as
#'     "A" or "A;B".
#' @param tooltip If TRUE then add a tooltip indicating the active values
#' @return gt table
#' @export
gt_dots <- function(gt_object, column, items = c(), sep = NULL, tooltip = FALSE) {
  stopifnot("Table must be of class 'gt_tbl'" = "gt_tbl" %in% class(gt_object))
  cell_contents <- .gtindex(gt_object, {{ column }})
  pal <- colorRampPalette(c("#89CFF1", "#003A6B"))
  cols <- pal(length(items))
  l_dots <- lapply(seq_along(items), function(i) {
    fontawesome::fa("fas fa-circle", fill = cols[i], margin_left = '.05em', margin_right = '.05em')
  }) |>
  blank <- fontawesome::fa("far fa-circle", fill = "#cccccc", margin_left = '.05em', margin_right = '.05em')
  col_name <- rlang::quo_name(rlang::quo({{column}}))
  width_val <- length(items) * 1.1 + 1
  colwidth <- as.formula(paste0(col_name, " ~ '", width_val, "em'"))
    locations = gt::cells_body(columns = {{ column }}),
    fn = function(x) {
      lapply(cell_contents, function(y) {
        # split to create a vector
        if (!is.null(sep)) {
          y <- unlist(strsplit(y, sep, fixed = TRUE))
        # find matches
        dot_matches <- match(y, items)
        dots <- rep(blank, times = length(items))
        if (![1])) {
          for (i in dot_matches) {
            dots[i] <- l_dots[[i]]
        output_dots <- paste(dots, collapse = "")
        if (tooltip == TRUE) {
          if (![1])) {
            tooltip_text <- paste(items[dot_matches], collapse = ", ")
          } else {
            tooltip_text <- NA
            "<div data-bs-toggle='tooltip' data-bs-placement='right' data-bs-title=\"{tooltip_text}\">{output_dots}</div>"
        } else {
  ) |>
    gt::fmt_markdown(columns = {{ column }}) |>

At the beginning of the function we build a named vector of colors. We’ve hardcoded shades of blue but could easily pass the two color-extremes as parameters to gt_dots(). The output is l_dots, a named list of colored icons, and blank, an empty icon.

  pal <- colorRampPalette(c("#89CFF1", "#003A6B"))
  cols <- pal(length(items))
  l_dots <- lapply(seq_along(items), function(i) {
    fontawesome::fa("fas fa-circle", fill = cols[i], margin_left = '.05em', margin_right = '.05em')
  }) |>
  blank <- fontawesome::fa("far fa-circle", fill = "#cccccc", margin_left = '.05em', margin_right = '.05em')

The next part of the code builds a formula defining the column width. The column width is defined by the number of dots. This keeps all the dots on a single line.

  col_name <- rlang::quo_name(rlang::quo({{column}}))
  width_val <- length(items) * 1.1 + 1
  colwidth <- as.formula(paste0(col_name, " ~ '", width_val, "em'"))

Finally we run the gt::text_transform() function, looping over each vector of data. The output is a series of colored dots, corresponding to matches against a vector. If requested, a tootlip is added for each column cell.

Tooltips in Quarto

Note, to use tooltips in a quarto HTML document, Bootstrap tooltips need to first be activated. This can be done by adding the following in the document’s yaml header:

- text: "<script>\n  const tooltipTriggerList = document.querySelectorAll('[data-bs-toggle=\"tooltip\"]')\n
    \ const tooltipList = [...tooltipTriggerList].map(tooltipTriggerEl => new bootstrap.Tooltip(tooltipTriggerEl, {html: true}))\n</script>\n"

Example Output

df <- data.frame(ref = seq(1:5), data = c("p1,p2", "p1", NA, "p3", "p2,p3"))
df |> gt::gt() |> gt_dots(data, items = c("p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"), sep = ",", tooltip = TRUE)
ref data


This function is very similar to the {gtExtras} function gt_merge_stack(), taking two columns and stacking the text of the first above the second. This adds optional text in parenthesis (useful in the case of a grouping value or tag) and a tooltip. It demonstrates how a relatively simple function may be used to build some creative table columns.

#' Add subtitle and tooltip to column
#' This function is similar to gtExtras::gt_merge_stack().  It replaces the `col_title`
#'     column with a formatted column that stacks `col_title` on top of `col_subtitle`. 
#'     The upper text is converted to small caps and the lower text is smaller and grey. 
#'     If `col_parenthesis` is included, values from an additional column are added to
#'     the title in parenthesis.  This can be used to include a column grouping or tag.
#'     If `col_tooltip` is included then values from this column will be used as data for
#'     tooltips.  Output is returned in column `col_title` with columns `col_subtitle`,
#'     `col_parenthesis` and `col_tooltip` removed.
#' @param gt_object An existing gt object
#' @param col_title The column holding the title
#' @param col_subtitle The column holding the subtitle
#' @param col_parenthesis Optional column holding data to be added in parentheses after
#'     the title.  Often used to include a grouped column or tag
#' @param col_tootlip Optional column holding data to be used as tooltip text
#' @export
gt_subtitle <- function(gt_object, col_title, col_subtitle, col_parenthesis = NULL, col_tootlip = NULL) {
  stopifnot("Table must be of class 'gt_tbl'" = "gt_tbl" %in% class(gt_object))

  col_subtitle_contents <- .gtindex(gt_object, {{ col_subtitle }})
  col_parenthesis_missing <- rlang::quo_is_null(rlang::enquo(col_parenthesis))
  col_tootlip_missing <- rlang::quo_is_null(rlang::enquo(col_tootlip))

  if (!col_parenthesis_missing) {
    col_parenthesis_contents <- .gtindex(gt_object, {{ col_parenthesis }})

  if (!col_tootlip_missing) {
    col_tootlip_contents <- .gtindex(gt_object, {{ col_tootlip }})

  rtn <- gt::text_transform(
    locations = gt::cells_body(columns = {{ col_title }}),
    fn = function(x) {

      if (!col_parenthesis_missing) {
        txt <- glue::glue("{x} ({col_parenthesis_contents})")
      } else {
        txt <- x
      if (!col_tootlip_missing) {
          "<div data-bs-toggle='tooltip' data-bs-placement='right' data-bs-title=\"{col_tootlip_contents}\">
             <div class='subtitle-top'>
             <div class='subtitle-bottom'>

      } else {

          "<div class='subtitle-top'>
           <div class='subtitle-bottom'>
  ) |>
      css = "
        .subtitle-top {
        .subtitle-top span {
          font-weight: bold;
          font-variant: small-caps;
          font-size: 14px;
        .subtitle-bottom {
        .subtitle-bottom span {
          font-weight: bold;
          color: grey;
          font-size: 10px


  rtn <- rtn  |>
  if (!col_parenthesis_missing) {
    rtn <- rtn |>
  if (!col_tootlip_missing) {
    rtn <- rtn |>



Example Output

df <- data.frame(name = c("Name 1", "Name 2"), title = c("VP", "Chair"), gp = c("AAA", "AAA"), tt = c("First Person", "Second Person"))
df |> gt::gt() |> gt_subtitle(col_title = name, col_subtitle = title, col_parenthesis = gp, col_tootlip = tt)
Name 1 (AAA)
Name 2 (AAA)


This function adds a timeline. Dates are plotted as markers along a time axis for each cell in a column. The dates are stored as tibbles for each row. The dates tibbles contain a var column for labels and a date column for dates. Dates can be color-coded by var and also include a hover to highlight var and date characteristics.

#' Create a timeline
#' Create a linear date line with markers representing dates.  The input column is
#'     expected to be a list column of tibbles, each with a `var` column holding labels
#'     and a `date` column holding dates.
#' @param gt_object An existing gt object
#' @param column The column to convert to a timeline
#' @param min_date Minimum date (format = yyyy-mm-dd).  If missing then the minimum date
#'     is determined from the data
#' @param max_date Maximum date (format = yyyy-mm-dd).  If missing then the maximum date
#'     is determined from the data
#' @param palette Named vector of colors (optional).  If included then color named values
#'     from the `var` column accordingly
#' @param add_key If TRUE and a palette is included then include a color key as a table
#'     footnote
gt_timeline <- function(gt_object, column, min_date = NULL, max_date = NULL, palette = c(), add_key = FALSE) {

  stopifnot("Table must be of class 'gt_tbl'" = "gt_tbl" %in% class(gt_object))

  default_fill <- "#ADD8E6"
  if (length(palette) == 0) {
    df_cols <- tibble::tibble(var = character(), fill_color = character())
  } else {
    df_cols <- tibble::enframe(palette, name = "var", value = "fill_color")

  cell_contents <- .gtindex(gt_object, {{ column }})

  if (any(missing(min_date), missing(max_date))) {
    v_times <- cell_contents |>
      dplyr::bind_rows() |>
    if (missing(min_date)) {
      min_date <- min(v_times)
    if (missing(max_date)) {
      max_date <- max(v_times)

  day_range <- as.numeric(difftime(as.Date(max_date), as.Date(min_date), 'days'))
  w <- 150  # width

  rtn <- gt::text_transform(
    locations = gt::cells_body(columns = {{ column }}),
    fn = function(x) {

      lapply(cell_contents, function(d) {

        plt_d <- d |>
          dplyr::mutate(days = as.numeric(difftime(as.Date(date), as.Date(min_date), 'days'))) |>
          dplyr::mutate(xval = w * days / day_range) |>
          dplyr::mutate(textanchor = dplyr::case_when(
            xval < 0.4 * w ~ "start",
            xval > 0.6 * w ~ "end",
            .default = "middle"
          )) |>
          dplyr::left_join(df_cols, by = "var") |>
          dplyr::mutate(fill_color = dplyr::if_else(, default_fill, fill_color))

        svg_line <- glue::glue('<line x1="0" y1="17" x2="{w+10}" y2="17" style="stroke: #808080; stroke-width: 1" />')

        svg_pts <- plt_d |>
        <g class = "gttime">
        <circle class="gttimedot" cx="{xval+5}" cy="17" r="5" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1" fill="{fill_color}" />
        <text class="gttimelab" x="{xval+5}" y="9" font-size=".6em" text-anchor="{textanchor}">{var} ({date})</text>
      ') |>
          glue::glue_collapse(sep = "")

        glue::glue('<svg width="{w+10}" height="23" xmlns=>{svg_line}{svg_pts}</svg>')
  ) |>
    gt::fmt_markdown(columns = {{ column }}) |>
      css = "
        .gttime {
          overflow: visible;
        .gttimelab {
          display: none;
          overflow: visible;
        .gttime:hover {
           text {display: block;}

  if (add_key == TRUE & length(palette) > 0) {

    color_key <- lapply(seq_along(palette), function(i) {
      paste0("<span style = 'margin-right: 15px'><span style = 'margin-right: 5px'>", bsicons::bs_icon('circle-fill', color = palette[i]), "</span><span>", names(palette)[i], "</span></span>")
    }) |>
      paste(collapse = "")

    color_key <- paste0("<span><span style = 'margin-right: 20px;'>Key:</span>", color_key, "</span>")
    rtn <- rtn |>
      gt::tab_footnote(footnote = gt::html(color_key), locations = gt::cells_column_labels({{column}}))




The function works by defining a variable day_range which is the number of days for the timeline (max - min). Next, each date is expressed as the fraction along the timeline multiplied by the width of the output. Cells are constructed by building up SVG graphics as follows:

  • plot the timeline as a horizontal line just below the center of the cell
  • for each time point plot it on the timeline within a group of class gttime
  • add text for each timeline within the same group

The css added controls the visibility. Labels are initialized with display: none so they will be hidden. On hovering we set display: block so that the label is visible.

Hover labels are positioned so that if they fall in the first 40% of the timeline they are left-justified, if they fall in the last 40% of the timeline they are right-justified and if they fall in the middle 20% they are centered. This helps position labels within the timeline region, avoiding overflow.

Example Output

df <-  data.frame(ref = c(1, 1, 2, 2), 
                  var = c("start", "end", "start", "end"), 
                  date = c("2024-10-04", "2024-12-05", "2024-10-25", "2024-12-07")) |>
  tidyr::nest(dates = c(var, date))

# A tibble: 2 × 2
    ref dates           
  <dbl> <list>          
1     1 <tibble [2 × 2]>
2     2 <tibble [2 × 2]>
df |> gt::gt() |> gt_timeline(dates, min_date = "2024-10-01", max_date = "2024-12-31", palette = c(start = "#00AA00", end = "#AA0000"))
ref dates
1 start (2024-10-04) end (2024-12-05)
2 start (2024-10-25) end (2024-12-07)